
Activating Times Square with the world’s largest social feed. How TSX Entertainment created a $2.56M business by empowering users from around the world to be seen.

TSX Entertainment
Design Strategy
Product Design
User Testing
Motion Design


As TSX prepared for the launch of its 18,000 sq. ft, 8K, wraparound digital display, the product team began discovery with the goal of activating Times Square. The team sought out opportunities to begin delivering on TSX’s core mission to create a global epicenter for entertainment and cultural events.

Problem Statement

Empower Times Square tourists and people around the world to showcase their original content on the TSX Screen through an accessible, interactive user experience, so they can make memories and be seen.


Using the Outcome-Driven Innovation product framework, the team discovered and defined PixelStar: a consumer-facing feature that allows end users to upload their own video or photo and schedule a 15-second slot on the TSX Screen in Times Square. The feature is available for Android and iOS, and is enabled by an AI-assisted content moderation workflow and companion NextJS app which receives UGC (user generated content) and displays it dynamically on the TSX Screen.

PixelStar was developed in an agile scrum environment and launched New Year’s Eve 2022. Several key enhancements have been released since, with a healthy feature roadmap extending well into 2024.


A little more than one year from launch, PixelStar is delighting fans and disrupting the digital billboard space.

Revenue in year 1
App downloads
Conversion rate in-app
Countries with global reach
PixelStar app-walkthrough commercial I created for the TSX Screen and adapted to 16:9 format for web and social platforms.


TSX Entertainment’s core mission is to create an epicenter for entertainment and cultural events, where artists, innovators, and creators connect with fans globally, in powerful new ways. The fully realized vision for TSX spans 9 floors and 74,500 sq. ft of retail and entertainment space at TSX Broadway, and has been dubbed the word’s first web3 building.

In Spring of 2022, as the first phase of exterior construction was wrapping up, the product team prepared for the launch of TSX’s massive 18,000 sq. ft, 8K, wraparound digital billboard. We focused on answering the question: “How might we activate Times Square, to delight fans, and begin delivering on the TSX brand vision?”

The Opportunity

The team leveraged audience and market research to size the potential opportunity, and gain insight into our target users and competitors.

Audience Research

daily in person impressions
daily visitors
of NYC Tourists visit Times Square
annual social media impressions
annual visits by NYC residents
of every tourist dollar is spent in Times Square

Design Sprint

Contributors and stakeholders from product, design, and engineering came together for a 4-day design sprint to explore the problem and discover potential design solutions.

Understand & Define
  • How Might We?
  • JTBD Market Definition Canvas
  • JTBD Stories
Diverge & Sketch
  • Job Map
  • Crazy 8’s
  • Revise Crazy 8’s
  • Storyboards
Prototype Planning
  • Paper Prototype
  • Establish Prototype & Validation Plan

The team concluded the sprint with alignment on three concepts to prototype and test at higher fidelity. While this is a departure from the traditional design sprint which concludes with user testing a single concept, it was beneficial in TSX’s early stage discovery. We were cautious not to narrow down concepts too quickly, and wary of potential false signals that can result from testing an unfamiliar concept at too low a fidelity.


After the design sprint, I created medium fidelity prototypes for each concept. I presented them to peers and stakeholders, and made revisions to ensure the high-level experience and value offer resonated with the TSX brand. After several rounds of internal feedback, I teamed up with my product partner to conduct a round of in-person, moderated user testing and interviews. The purpose of these early tests was primarily to gauge value and comprehension.

Prototype concepts from top: Me-Saic, Silent Disco, Balloon Pop

Of the three concepts tested, Me-saic consistently received the highest value rating. It was also the leading favorite among stakeholders. Post-testing interviews provided insight into what specifically testers found to be valuable, and how we might evolve the concept to increase that value even further.

PixelStar is Born

The me-saic concept ultimately evolved into the product now known as PixelStar, which allows anyone in the world to upload their own video or photo and schedule a 15-second slot on the TSX billboard in Times Square. This evolution was guided by several key insights:

Icon of a circle with check mark.
Users see value in being featured on the screen, but they want to be the star of the show
Icon of a circle with check mark.
The average length of an ad Times Square is 15 seconds
Icon of a circle with check mark.
The top NYC tourist attractions incorporate photos ops to memorialize the experience and encourage social validation

User Testing

After aligning on the PixelStar concept and creating a high-fidelity prototype, we conducted 3 rounds of remote, unmoderated user testing to measure usability and value. The target test segment included a mix of NYC locals as well as tourists who had visited Times Square within the past year.

Screenshot of the PixelStar screen flow in Figma with different colored sticky notes capturing feedback from user testing.
Round 1 test prototype with findings displayed directly in context - thank you to Zaneta Kučarova for her talk How to Make Your Research Findings More Actionable with Figma

5-Point Value Scoring

Testers were fairly polarized in their responses to value scoring questions. We were most interested in respondents who responded with a 3 or lower, while also expressing positive sentiment verbally throughout the test. We hypothesized that price sensitivity, or other barriers to entry could make interested prospective users less likely to act.

How likely would you be to download the app to feature yourself on a digital screen while in Times Square?
How likely would you have used the app to feature yourself on the digital screen in Times Square at the cost you saw?
How valuable was the offer to you?

Sentiment Highlights

quotation mark
I don't know who wouldn't want to do this. I think this is going to be like a huge deal.

Usability & Comprehension

We observed some comprehension issues in the first round of testing. Most testers spent a significant amount of time on the PDP (product detail page) before moving forward, and some were unable to move forward at all. We revised the UX copy to convey the offer as succinctly as possible, and introduced additional supportive visual content. By the third round of testing, we observed faster comprehension of the offer, less time spent on the PDP, and no drop-off.

Another theme we observed was testers looking for clarifying information about their current context and/or reassurance about upcoming steps in the user journey. We looked for opportunities to empower users with the information they need to complete their current step in the journey, as well as to set expectations about the following step(s).

quotation mark
       So that’s my pain point - it looks like it's too much money and I don't know why it isn't telling me why.
quotation mark
       It shows that it's not approved yet, so apparently they look to see what I posted or want posted and then they approve it, and then they probably let me know when I'm about to be up.
quotation mark
       My concern is that, if it's not approved, how would you know that you'll get your money back, you know.


Once we had clear alignment on the in-app user experience, we began one-week sprint cycles with iOS and Android engineering. In addition to daily standups, our typical sprint cycle included a regular cadence of agile ceremonies:

  • Demo progress from the previous sprint
  • Groom & point backlogged tickets for the upcoming sprint
  • Groom & point backlogged tickets for the upcoming sprint
  • Bi-weekly retro to reflect on the past sprint and identify opportunities

Opportunities for design and flow optimizations typically arose during technical discovery, giving product and design the remainder of the sprint to make revisions and document requirements.

Navigating Ambiguity

With app development well underway, the platform engineering team was focused on our implementation of sedna GmbH, the hardware and software that powers the TSX Screen. While sedna is a powerful platform used by some of the most notable digital displays around the world, what we were trying to accomplish differed significantly from standard content and media management, and playout use cases.

Platform Requirements

Icon of a circle with check mark.
Intake and moderate user-generated-content
Icon of a circle with check mark.
Schedule approved content to play at a specific time
Icon of a circle with check mark.
Dynamically display scheduled content on the TSX Screen
Icon of a circle with check mark.
Generate real-time status updates

Simply put, we were trying to determine how to get user-generated content from the app to our screen, and notify users when their content is displayed.

Ultimately we discovered that while SENDA did not natively support dynamic content, it is compatible with the chromium web browser. So, we built a NextJS web app to intake and display user generated content from a queue.

Flat view of the PixelStar NextJS app dynamically displaying user generated content

The platform team defined an inventory schema that allows users to schedule their content to play within a 5-minute window. Each 5 minute block of PixelStar is composed of 20 sellable inventory “seats,” each identifiable by a unique feature number. After a piece of content is moderated and approved, it fills one seat in the block. Once all 20 seats are filled, the block is sold out.


PixelStar is public-facing, physical social feed, therefore moderation is crucial for ensuring a safe and inclusive experience. We opted to partner with the incredible team a Partner Hero to ensure all content submitted through the TSX app is double human-moderated within 15 minutes of submission. Users whose content does not pass moderation are given clear feedback citing what part of the content guidelines they are in violation of, and are issued an automatic refund.

The PixelStar platform architecture diagram with color coded connectors added by the author to denote the following flows: content upload, checkout, available inventory return, queue for moderation, moderation result, schedule in SEDNA.
Content Upload
Available Inventory
Queue for Moderation
Moderation Result
Schedule in SEDNA
Platform architecture diagram tracking the progression of content from upload through moderation.


Beta Program

TSX Screen officially powered up on December 6, 2022. At that time, we launched a Beta program, inviting friends and affiliates to try PixelStar free with promo code in exchange for candid feedback. We were able to process over 500 orders across the iOS and Android apps during the beta period, and identified and resolved several bugs concerning device-specific media encoding issues.

Hard Launch

PixelStar officially launched on New Year’s Eve 2022, in time to provide the holiday crowd with the opportunity to go live on the screen leading up to and after the iconic ball drop.

Download the TSX App on Google Play or iOS App Store.Be seen in the heart of Times Square. Download the TSX App on Google Play or iOS App Store.

KPIs & Roadmap

Following launch, we measured success based on 3 key metrics and met biweekly to review our progress and align on what actions to take to improve performance.

Daily Sold
The total number of PixelStar slots sold to air on a given day
  • Increased awareness through product marketing and social campaigns
  • Released features with high user value to optimize product/market fit and lower barrier to entry
Daily Aired
The number of PixelStar slots that successfully air on a given day
  • Lowered reduction rate by educating users on content guidelines
  • Reduced improper rejections with moderator education
The percentage of total inventory purchased and aired
  • Optimized inventory allocation based on demand
  • Sought alternative audiences or uses for low-demand times

Daily Sold & Utilization

Inventory Sold for Day
Dec 31, 2022 - Sep 5, 2023
The blue line graph representing “Inventory sold for day” is steadily increasing over time with many abrupt peaks and valleys. It regularly surpasses the goal line (250) during the final months represented on the graph. There is a trend line for “utilization” which rises from 0 to somewhere between 40 and 50%.
Utilization exceeded goal by June, 2023

Daily Aired & Rejection Rate

Daily Sold
Daily Aired
Rejection Rate
Dec 31, 2022 - Sep 5, 2023
This graph compares daily sold (blue) and daily aired (teal). The two line graphs mirror each other - steadily increase over time with many abrupt peaks and valleys. Daily aired is consistently a bit lower than daily sold. There is a trend line for rejection rate” which decreases very gradually over time.
Rejection rate decreased gradually yet meaningfully from launch through September 2023

Since the PixelStar launch, the team released several key features to provide increased value to users and address unforeseen needs & opportunities.


PixelStar was initially created to target locals and tourists in Times Square. Following launch, we learned that 38.23% of transactions came from users outside of the US at the time of purchase. For the international user segment, having a way to watch the TSX screen remotely was incredibly important. Customer support tickets revealed that the majority of these users were already relying on Earthcam’s Times Square Cam. TSX ultimately installed our own earth cam so we could provide an optimized, in-app viewing experience with limited downtown and latency.

Screenshot of the PixelStar order history showing an order with "Airing Soon" status and CTA button "Watch Live"iPhone 14Pro frame
Screenshot of the in-app earthcam showing a PixelStar Playing on the TSX ScreeniPhone 14Pro frame
Orders with "Airing Soon" status include a CTA to watch live via in-app earthcam.

In-App Editing

Since PixelStar MVP supported only video upload, we anticipated user demand for additional tooling. Customer feedback, as well as a PixelStar partnership program we ran with the Paris Hilton team, helped make the case for two high-value enhancements: photo slideshows and text editing. After evaluating different "build it" and "buy it" solutions, the team ultimately integrated with IMG.LY's advanced APIs to offer a fairly customized experience with maximum speed to market.

Text & Text Design

PixelStar partnerships allow artists and brands to align themselves with larger cultural movements by sponsoring PixelStar for fans, and inviting them to submit content following a prompt or theme. Text and text decoration created simple, yet powerful opportunities for users to respond to prompts and engage with themes.

iPhone 14Pro frame
Text design feature powered by IMG.LY
Photo Slideshows

When asked what existing content they might want to put on the screen, users reported having more photos than videos, and overall lacked video content of high personal significance.

The slideshow feature, also powered by IMG.LY, allows users to select up to 5 photos, which are automatically converted into a 15-second video for display on the TSX Screen.

iPhone 14Pro frame
Slideshow selection & upload flow

Upcoming Features

PixelStar Packages

Since launch, we have observed a growing segment of repeat buyers including small brands, business owners, and creators. Users in this segment often re-use the same content, meaning they have to go through the content upload and checkout process multiple times. We are currently developing a package feature that allows users to schedule recurring plays over a duration of time.

Variable Layout

Depending on their intent, users may be more or less reliant on the content they already have on hand. If I wanted to create a “Happy Birthday” PixelStar for my out of town friend, for example, I would likely scroll my camera roll to find a few recent photos of them. The current PixelStar screen display is optimized for square format content, which may not always be optimal for users working with existing content. Variable layout allows users to choose between square, landscape, and portrait aspect ratios, giving them more control over how their content displays on the screen, and empowering them to better leverage existing content.

iPhone 14Pro frame
Layout selection and preview

Final Thoughts

PixelStar celebrated its one year anniversary December 31, 2023, achieving $2.56M in revenue. And I would say we are just getting started. The last 3-6 months have revealed a number of insights into how we might better meet the needs of the core PixelStar user, as well as reach additional segments. Those insights have helped us build out a healthy product roadmap geared towards increasing user value and strengthening product market fit.

As TSX’s flagship product, PixelStar has built the foundation for direct screen to user interactions. I look forward to exploring how we might expand upon that model of interaction, and potentially build out entirely new features or product areas.