I am a product designer based in Los Angeles, CA. I work with product and engineering teams to lead the design process from discovery through release (and back again). I especially enjoy the challenge of creating new products and services, and evolving them over time. I love puzzles, patterns, and systems, and can happily frame much of what I do as such. I work well in senior IC or management roles depending upon the organization. Currently, I am the Senior Director of Design at TSX Entertainment, where we strive to define the next generation of entertainment through authentic, accessible and exclusive experience.
The same skills and practices that make a strong UX or product person are crucial for managing relationships with business stakeholders and peers. Empathy, strong communication, and critical problem solving can be applied to managing both people and products.
While part of the designer’s role is to advance the product vision and drive innovation, it is critical to maintain a mature relationship to constraints. Alignment around constraints helps drive product definition, and ultimately creates greater opportunity for immediate impact.
Diversity in experience, skillset, and mindset is an incredible asset for product and engineering teams. It also inherently means that not all team members will be equally served by the same processes and communication styles. It’s important to get to know your team well and co-define a culture and process in which everyone can contribute at their highest level.
Tinkering is fairly widely recognized for its ability to reveal previously unseen solutions. Incorporating tinkering activities into the product design process can help facilitate incremental cycles of discovery, hypothesis, experimentation, and reflection. Adopting a tinkering mindset often keeps our mental models malleable and makes us more open and responsive to new ideas, evidence, and opportunities.
Every product is a reflection of the inputs, constraints, and process that created it. I like to think of the current state of a product as the team’s leading hypothesis — our best attempt at a viable solution given the evidence and resources we have today. As new information and opportunities surface, our hypothesis will naturally evolve.
Being kind - to others and ourselves - serves us well in product and in life. I personally feel incredibly privileged to work in the product space. And while a lot of the job entails navigating complex and evolving landscapes, and sitting with ambiguity or uncertainty, kindness goes a long way to remind everyone that we are valued and supported as we attempt to chart the unknown together.
Here are a few of the teams and products I've worked with over the last few years.
Responsible for leading the end-to-end design process across platforms including internal applications, and the fan-facing TSX app for iOS and Android.
Worked in collaboration with the lead-gen team to define scope, design direction, and feature requirement for prospective clients.
Developed and implemented a design system for data visualization to make personal health and fitness data visible and actionable.
Led the design lifecycle across all MedMen digital products including the point-of-sale system, business dashboard, online ordering and delivery platform, and native iOS app.
Led design for MedMen's in-house delivery platform, introducing a new business channel representing 9% of retail transactions and 10% of total revenue in 3 months from launch.
Designed a custom point of sale system and business dashboard to drive competitive advantage and unify product, inventory, and customer data across 6 states and 29 retail locations.